Our friendly library staff will be offering personalised introductions to the APA (7th ed.) referencing style. Learn the tips and tricks that make referencing so much faster and simpler. Find us in the Library Atrium from 1-3 pm Monday-Friday between 24 March and 4 April.  

APA referencing pop-ups return to the Library Atrium all next week (Monday- Friday, 2-6 December).  Sit down with a librarian for a few minutes and get a personalised introduction to how referencing and citations work, the APA (7th edition) referencing style, and learn the …

Referencing pop-ups return (2-6 December) Read more »

Today is the last Discovery Service pop-up of the season! Join us between 1-3 pm this afternoon for a personalised introduction to finding the best articles for your assignments.

Coming next week – APA referencing pop-ups! Same time, same place – bring your referencing questions or join us for an introduction to what referencing is and how it works.

You’ve just received the instructions for your first assignment and been told by your lecturer that you need to find “academic sources”, “evidence” or “reliable information” to inform your arguments and produce your work. What do you do next? Many …

Popping up to help you Discover more Read more »

We’re bringing back our ever popular referencing drop-ins! We answer referencing questions by email, online chat, face to face at the Library skills drop-in and you can even book appointments to sit down with a a librarian and a long list of referencing questions. Yet, what we’ve found, year in and year out, is that we see more of you when we pop up in another part of the Library than we ever get to come to us.

Whether it is the colourful banner, the smiling librarians in plain view, or the sight of so many other people stopping by to offload their referencing woes and come away feeling better, we’re not sure. What we do know is that you like them, so we’re popping up again next week! Look out for our stand in the Library Atrium from 11 am – 3 pm between 13 – 24 November.