Many people find the University Library a little offputting. Perhaps it is the sheer scale of the building compared with the broom cupboard type libraries most students are used to at school or the vast array of print and electronic resources on offer but many people just don’t know where to start. Start by asking us – we are very friendly and are very used to helping students settle in and get off to a great start.

Do you have books looking for a good home? Drop them off at the University Library Book Nook – just pop them in the box on top, and we will make them available for other students to browse or take away. While you are here, you can take away any books with the distinctive orange Book Nook sticker – all free to a good home!

The first Outside In World drop-in and storytime was a great success. Several families joined us to celebrate South Asian Heritage Month and explore the collection of children’s books from around the world and explore the world of illustration with two of our MA Illustration students and aspiring children. Everyone got to take part in the colouring exercise or read fascinating children’s books from around the world, followed by the storytime with another of our students. Sign up and join us for the next one on the afternoon of Friday 9 August!

If you missed our Greta Friggens’ (Faculty Librarian, CCI) webinar introducing the history, purpose and relevance to teaching and research of the prestigious Outside In World collection of children’s books in translation, you can catch up with it here.

Don’t miss our upcoming Outside In World drop-ins where you can meet Greta and colleagues and explore how the collection might be useful for your teaching and research.

The University Library invites you to visit and find out about the wonderful collection Outside in World: Children’s Books in Translation by joining us at one of our upcoming drop-ins.

Discover this prestigious collection of international books that have been translated from their original languages into English. Feel free to bring children to explore the collection and enjoy a children’s storytime event at each of the drop-ins.

Situated near the Library Café, we actively encourage the use of this unique collection to support research and teaching, community outreach, and reading for pleasure.