We’ve received so many lovely global messages of goodwill in languages as diverse as the designs taken from our collection of books from across the world. There’s still the whole of the rest of Global Week to look forward to, including the ever spectacular Festival of Cultures on Thursday.

Happy Neurodiversity Awareness Week!

Everyone is unique, has a different set of strengths and weaknesses, and works best on their own, and works best in their own but because sufficiently many people are Neurodiversity, also sometimes known as neurodivergence, describes a range of ways in which some people think and process sensory stimuli differently from most people.

stop by the Library Atrium on Monday-Tuesday next week, 17-18 March, and shared your message of goodwill. Stop by and share a local saying from your home county (including Britain!).

Looking for fun fiction and pleasure reading? The public library tuk-tuk truck will be parking on the plaza on the Tuesday with a selection of international fiction and to sign up new members for free access to their ebooks, audiobooks and all their print book collections.

The PGM Ambassadors have created a fabulous display in the Heritage Hub display space, just outside the Park Building café. If you are in Portsmouth, I thoroughly recommend checking it out! For those of you learning at a distance, you can view much of the display material on the Library website. It’s definitely worth a look!

The Holocaust proved what can happen given the right conditions, with a compliant people under the sway of a demagogue. It reminds us of the ever-present threat of tyranny, discrimination and persecution that we must resist every day. It is up to each of us to challenge language, assumptions and behaviours that have no place in an inclusive society.

A lot of lecturers and librarians then asked what was going to happen to all the links pointing to specific chapters/pages of these ebooks, because most reading lists rely on deep linking to work. EBSCO thought about this briefly, then came back to reassure everyone that they are going to make sure all these deep links continue to work after the change. This has meant that the introduction of the epub format ebooks has been delayed by a few weeks.

NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight would like to understand your experiences and views on how they can improve local autism and ADHD assessment services. Please help them by completing the survey if: About the survey Click here to take the Autism and …

Evaluating local autism/ADHD diagnostic pathways Read more »

Come late late January, Ebook Central will be moving from using pdf to epub format ebooks. This will make these ebooks easier to read and navigate, display better on more devices, and allow publishers to build interactive audio and video into their devices.

Happy Disability History Month 2024!
Spanning the period including International HIV/AIDS Day, International Day of People with Disabilities, and International Human Rights Day, Disability History Month seeks to redress the severe and entrenched inequalities experienced by all those with disabilities, including people who develop illnesses as diverse as cancer and HIV, who are neurodiverse, or develop mental health problems.

The Film and Media Research Group (School of Film, Media, and Creative Technologies) is delighted to welcome director Arlen Harris to facilitate a screening of Walter Rodney: What They Don’t Want You to Know (Daniyal Harris-Vajda and Arlen Harris, 2023). …

Film screening this Wednesday – ‘Walter Rodney: What They Don’t Want You to Know’ Read more »