From tales of Christmases past from around the world, an encyclopedia dedicated to nothing but Christmas, a streamed theatre production of a modern take on Dicken’s classic “A Christmas Carol” or a slew of classic Christmas movies and documentaries available through our free streaming service, Kanopy, there is plenty from the Library to keep you entertained through the holiday season.

Christmas can be an exciting time for some but a trying time for others. Whether you are wondering how to keep yourself entertained in Portsmouth over the holidays or facing a return home you would rather forego, entertainments, help and advice are all on hand. Whatever you need, there is something or someone who can help.

With the Christmas vacation period just around the corner, it is a good time to check that you are all set up for working from home. Even if you plan never to do anything university-related over the holidays, having your personal device set up to access the university computer network from wherever you are will mean that if you should need anything during or after the holidays, everything will be set up to use all the software and library eresources you might want, meaning you have one less thing to worry about when library staff are away.