It seems like a simple task to determine the wealth of countries but the experience of living in a country is influenced by many other factors. Being wealthier matters a lot less if everything you have to buy also costs more, while a country where you have the same spending power but work fewer hours would likely ive you a better quality of life than you might expect otherwise. And that’s before we move onto the question of who gets to enjoy the wealth created.

With the new Budget coming out on 6 March 2024, there has never been a better time to familiarise yourself with everything being said about the country’s finances. The Budget Service from Lexis+ provides all the relevant full-text content on the day of the budget, providing an invaluable resource of information on changes brought in by the Budget, including the full budget speech, press releases, budget notes, resolutions, and a budget summary from the Tolley Tax Editorial Team.

The World Bank Before I review this website, a few lines about the organisation in question. The World Bank provides large loans for capital investment in developing countries.  It is a United Nations financial institution and was established in 1944 …

Business website of the fortnight 07/05/14 Read more »