bell hooks’ work explored the interaction of sexism, racism and economic disparity. Her seminal work Ain’t I a Woman? was named one of the 20 most influential books published in 20 years.  A lifelong activist, hooks insisted that social theory had to speak to and impact the experience of the oppressed to have value: that “our intellectual work will never impact on their lives if we do not move it out of the academy”.

ow Racism the Red Card will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of Wear Red Day on Friday 18 October 2024. Show your support by dressing in something red for Wear Red Day on Friday then share your selfie with us using hashtag #WRD24UoP

Martinique born and French educated psychiatrist, social theorist and political activist Dr Frantz Fanon sought to fuse psychoanalysis and philosophy to better understand the psychological impact of society on individuals, democratic participation and colonialism.

A prominent promoter of Black voices, Adichie has attracted international attention with her 2013 TEDx talk “We Should All Be Feminists,” (named after her book of the same name) which Beyoncé later sampled on her song “Flawless” before going on to champion the vital roles of storytellers, self-expression, and intellectual freedom for a healthy society.

Library breastfeeding pod

We are delighted to be able to offer a breastfeeding pod to all nursing mothers, now available on the second floor of the Library. This new facility supports new parents by providing a safe and comfortable private space for breastfeeding and expressing milk, making it easier to combine work, study and motherhood.

These facilities are designed to provide a comfortable and private space for breastfeeding and expressing milk. The breastfeeding and expressing pods will help ease the transition back to work for new mothers, promote the well-being of both parent and child, and helps promote equality of opportunity across our diverse community.

Former editor and multi-award winning bestselling author Kacen Callender of multiple novels for children, teens, and adults, including the National Book Award-winning King and the Dragonflies and the bestselling novel Felix Ever After, Kacen Callendar is a leading contemporary Black, trans, nonbinary author .

James Baldwin has been praised for writing one of the greatest English language novels, “Go Tell It on the Mountain”.  A gay, Black civil and human rights activist, Baldwin wrote essays calling for human equality and became a well-known public figure and orator, especially during the civil rights movement in the United States. Baldwin became equally famous for his essays and political writing, which spanned the gamut of from race to sexuality, love to jazz, and addiction to identity politics, all of which remain as contentious and relevant today as they were when they were first published.

Join me on an exploration of the great Black authors of the twentieth century in a series of blog posts, all tagged with “Black History Month 2024”. Black writers have been among the most influential and insightful thinkers of the past century, echoing the philosophies developing since antiquity that tell us how to thrive amid adversity and remind us of how we support ourselves best when we help others to succeed.

It has taken me until today to fully grasp the meaning of Charlton’s age-old adage, “nothing about us without us”. Since the end of the last millennium, disability and later other oppressed minority groups have demanded a place at the …

In support of the blind leading the blindfolded Read more »